The latest changes introduced in the contributions of the self-employed are included in Order ESS/106/2017, of February 9, which develops the legal rules for contributions to Social Security, unemployment, protection for cessation of activity, Fund of...
TSJ Valladolid 10-13-16 If the employer fails to comply with his duty to provide the summary of the workday record requested by the worker to prove overtime, the harmful consequences of this cannot be placed on the worker...
The BORM on Wednesday, February 1, published the extract of the Resolution of the Director General of the Regional Employment and Training Service, which approves the call for subsidies from the program to promote self-employment for young beneficiaries of the...
The campaign multiplies by four the number of inspections compared to those carried out last year. The Ministry of Economic Development, within the framework of the 2017 Industrial Inspection Plan, plans to carry out 8,820 inspections in 1,500 establishments in the Region, which...