All groups agree to discuss equal paternity leave The initial proposal contemplates granting 16 weeks for each parent The law on equal and non-transferable parental leave for births, adoptions and foster care begins its journey this Tuesday in the...
This training plan has more than 1,000 places in free courses, which will be taught online over the coming months and does not involve any cost. Workers in companies with a workforce of less than 10 workers, self-employed workers and entrepreneurs...
The president of the regional government advances the measures of his executive in fiscal and labor matters during the debate on the State of the Region. 14 million euros will be allocated to employment plans for women, youth and those over 45 years of age. The president of the Community.. .
The European justice qualifies its doctrine and does not see discrimination in labor legislation The 'Diego Porras' ruling remains in force for indefinite temporary contracts, or interim contracts in fraud of law The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) takes a turn in... .
The Community calls for aid so that they can sell their products and services through the Network The Autonomous Community will facilitate the incorporation of SMEs and the self-employed into electronic commerce with the first call for aid so that companies in the Region with...