The BORM published in the bulletin of yesterday, July 7, the Order of June 28, 2016 of regulatory bases for subsidies intended for programs that promote
labor relations and safety and health at work.
The aforementioned Order aims to establish the regulatory bases for subsidies aimed at disseminating and promoting corporate social responsibility, associations in the workplace and compliance with labor legislation, as well as improving health and safety conditions at work. of companies in the Region of Murcia, through the following aid programs:
1st Operation of Trade Union Centers and Business Organizations.
2. Promotion by Public Universities of corporate social responsibility and the prevention of occupational risks.
3. Promotion and dissemination of occupational risk prevention
Actions carried out in the period between January 1 and December 31 of year N, and whose associated expense falls between both dates, may benefit from this order.
- a) For Program 1: Unions and Business Organizations that meet the conditions detailed in article 26 of this Order.
- b) For Program 2: The Public Universities of the Region of Murcia.
- c) For Program 3: Business Organizations, Unions and Non-profit Entities whose corporate purpose is related to the eligible activity to be developed.
Application submission deadline.
The deadline for submitting applications will be one month from the day of entry into force of the annual call order, which will be published in the near future.
Purpose and eligible expenses.
- The subsidies granted within the framework of this Program are intended to collaborate in the financing of expenses related to the internal organization and operation of the Trade Union Centers and Business Organizations in order to promote and consolidate associations in the workplace. Subsidies for Trade Union Centers are granted to cover expenses other than electoral expenses arising from the holding of union elections.
- Partial or total financing may be subsidized, excluding the recoverable Value Added Tax (VAT), of the activities related to its internal organization and operation in the exercise of the powers legally attributed to it, and will be used to cover the costs of personnel, current expenses and expenses for providing services and management to its associates.
- The amount of the subsidy may not exceed the expense budget presented by the applicant entity.
Aseryde will keep you informed of the call for grants for 2016. Contact us If you want to have information about all the subsidies that your business can benefit from.