The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has published Order ETD/1345/2022, of December 28, which approves the regulatory bases and makes the corresponding call for 2022 for the granting of aid to small and medium-sized companies for the hiring of Digital Transformation professionals within the framework of the Digital Spain 2026 Agenda.
The aid is focused on partially financing the salary costs of hiring expert professionals, the so-called "Change Agents".
Small and medium-sized companies that are legal persons and whose tax domicile is located in Spanish territory can apply for this aid. In order to make the request, the company must be previously registered in the Registry provided for this purpose on the Acelera pyme platform.
The following obligations are established for beneficiary companies:
– Notify the Awarding Body of obtaining other subsidies, aid, income or resources, for the same eligible expense
– Register in your accounting, in a differentiated accounting code, the detail of all transactions made to the hired Exchange Agent
– Declare to the Awarding Body all de minimis aid received
– Apply effective and proportionate anti-fraud measures in their own area of management
– Commit in writing to grant the necessary rights and access to the competent national authorities for them to exercise their powers,
– Ensure full compliance with the “do no significant harm” principle.
All the obligations of justification of the aid correspond to the beneficiary, who must prove monthly the continuity of the contract, the salary cost incurred, not be indebted of reimbursement of previous subsidies and be up to date with the payment of tax and Social Security obligations. . The beneficiary will authorize the Granting Entity so that, in an automated manner and by electronic means, it obtains monthly evidence to verify the continuity of the contract and the salary cost incurred.
The deadline for submitting applications for this call will be three months. This period will begin to run on April 25, 2023.
The professionals hired must have been trained with the "Digital Generation: Change Agents" programme. In order to support the fight against unemployment and equal opportunities for vulnerable groups, the hiring of Change Agents who are unemployed at the time the hiring takes place will be subsidized exclusively. Said hiring must be carried out indefinitely, on behalf of others, full-time and for a gross monthly salary not less than the corresponding salary in accordance with labor regulations. In addition, they must be registered in the Directory of Change Agents.
The aid will be granted in order of application, applying the non-competitive competition regime. In case of exhausting the funds of a call and the total budget of the Program is not reached, a waiting list will be created.
The aid will be granted for a maximum amount of 1,000 euros per month up to the established maximum limit. Said limit is, on the one hand, quantitative, the total amount of aid not being able to exceed 20,000 euros, and on the other, temporary, not being able to exceed a period of 20 consecutive months from the formalization of the contract.
If you need information about this or other aid for SMEs or the self-employed, you can contact our experts in tax and labor matters by calling 968 45 46 24 or at our contact.