Fundación Maphre grants 550 grants to companies or entities that guarantee hiring

Fundación MAPFRE (MAP.MC) has launched the VII Call for Employment Grants "Accedemos", an initiative that aims to promote the access of unemployed people to the labor market and contribute to the development of SMEs, social entities and the self-employed, making available to all of them a total of 550 grants, aimed at supporting the hiring of people of legal age who have been legally unemployed for at least two months, according to what the company indicated today.

Each company may receive a maximum of one aid, which can amount to 4,500 euros for nine months if the contract is full-time (500 euros per month). If the contract is part-time, the aid will be 2,700 euros, that is, 300 euros per month.

Requirements and procedures

To qualify for these aids, companies must meet certain requirements, among which it stands out, being up to date with their obligations to pay quotas and taxes and not choosing the type of contract for work and service.

As for the application period, it is 90 days, yes, to be eligible for aid, the company must formalize the contract. Once the contract with the worker is formalized, they have 90 calendar days to request one of the 550 grants, for which they have to register at '' and complete a form in which, in addition, they must attach the Documentation required to verify that the requirements are correct.

Since the implementation of this type of aid, nearly 6,000 companies and workers have benefited from this initiative.

If you would like more information about the aid available to your company, and particularly regarding the hiring of workers, do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts in labor and tax matters will advise you. Call us at 968 45 46 24 or fill in the Contact Form.

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