The BORM publishes in its newsletter on Thursday, April 13, 2023, the Extract from the Resolution of April 7 of the General Director of the Regional Employment and Training Service, which approves the call for development subsidies for the year 2023 of permanent contracts in the Region of Murcia.

Through this line of aid, which distinguishes two subprograms, the aim is to promote permanent full-time contracts, or part-time when the agreed time is at least 50 percent of the full-time working day, to people unemployed who:

– Subprogram 1

a) Are registered as job seekers in the Employment Offices of the Region of Murcia, and can be considered long-term unemployed.
b) They are 45 years of age or older, are registered as job seekers at the Employment Offices of the Region of Murcia, and can be considered in a situation of prolonged unemployment, whether or not they have family responsibilities.
c) They have not reached 30 years of age, and are unemployed and registered as job seekers in the Employment Offices of the Region of Murcia.
d) They are registered as a job seeker in the Employment Offices of the Region of Murcia and carrying out non-labor practices in companies
e) Are unemployed and registered with the SEF Employment Office of the Region of Murcia and may be considered victims of gender violence, victims of terrorism or people at risk of social exclusion.
f) They are unemployed women registered with the Murcia Region Employment Office with children under 4 years of age.

– Subprogram 4

The conversion into permanent training contracts regulated in article 11 of the Statute of full-time workers, or part-time with a minimum of 50 percent of the full-time working day.

Amount of subsidies

For subprogram 1 for the promotion of indefinite contracts, the individual amount to be granted will be determined based on the duration of the working day established in the contract and that by groups are:
a) Unemployed people registered as job seekers at the SEF Employment Offices. (art. 6.1 a)
a.1 Group of long-term unemployed people.
– Full-time: 6,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,000.00 euros.
a.2 Long-term unemployed people with 24 months or more of uninterrupted registration of Employment of the SEF.
– Full-time: 7,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,500.00 euros.
b) Unemployed people who have reached 45 years of age or more, are registered in the Employment Offices of the SEF, and in a situation of prolonged unemployment. (art .6.1.b) b.1 Without family responsibilities.
– Full-time: 7,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,500.00 euros.
b.2 With family responsibilities.
– Full-time: 9,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 4,500.00 euros.
c) Unemployed people who have not reached 30 years of age, and who are registered as job seekers in SEF Employment Offices. (art. 6.1 e)
– Full-time: 6,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,000.00 euros.
d) Unemployed people who are developing non-labor practices in companies, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1543/2011, of October 31. (art. 6.1f)
– Full-time: 7,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,500.00 euros.
e) Unemployed people registered with their corresponding Employment Office in the Region of Murcia who are recognized as victims of gender violence, victims of terrorism or at risk of social exclusion. (art. 6.1g)
– Full-time: 7,500.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,750.00 euros.
f) They are unemployed women registered with the Murcia Region Employment Office with children under 4 years of age. (art. 6.1h)
– Full-time: 8,500.00 euros
– Part-time: 4,250.00 euros
For subprogram 4, conversion of training contracts into indefinite ones, the individual amount of the subsidy will be determined based on the duration of the contract:
– Full-time: 6,000.00 euros.
– Part-time: 3,000.00 euros.

For more information, you can consult the summary of the Order that we attach to you (INDEFINITE HIRING GRANTS summary 2023 – BORM 04-13-2023), or call our office directly (or through our contact), where our professionals can help you.

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