In an interview conducted by Confilegal, the president of the Social Graduates expresses his concern about the existing digital divide and the fact that the Administration with which they have relations does not communicate "humanly" but by electronic means.

the full interview HERE

Last November Ricardo Gabaldón, president of the General Council of Official Colleges of Social Graduates (CGCOGS), saw his mandate, the most difficult of the 59 years of existence of this institution due to the pandemic, rewarded with its renewal for another four years.

No contender appeared in the elections that were called for this purpose. His candidacy was the only one, so it was directly proclaimed.

The deans of the 43 Colleges of Social Graduates, which represent 18,000 members, thus expressed their unanimous approval of the management of their president in such hard and complicated times.

Now, Gabaldón faces, with its nine vocals -Juan Fernández Henares, Marcos Óscar Martínez Álvarez, Carlos Puebla Lorente, Íñigo de la Peña Criado, Esther Urraca Fernández, José Ramón Barrera, Alfonso Hernández Quereda and Joaquín Merchán Bermejo and Susana Soneira Lema, as first and second vice-presidents– a period of activity focused on five fields: mediation, appeal claims, empowerment of the human resources area, bridging the digital divide and the dissemination of what social graduates are.

And he has a date to start the machinery in the direction of those objectives: next February 10. That day has been set, for 7:00 p.m., for the Council Assembly to be held at the Palace of Trade Fairs and Congresses in Malaga.

An event that will be preceded, morning and afternoon, with the celebration of the CGCOGS Congress in which the judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Lourdes Arastey, the magistrate of the Constitutional Court - and former president of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court–, María Luisa Segoviano, the magistrate of the Social Court of the TS, Antonio Sempere Navarro, and the magistrate of the Social Court 30 of Barcelona, Jaume González Calvet.

Also Tomas Font, general director of Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Spain, María Salas Porras, tenured professor at the University of Malaga, and Ana Ercoreca, labor inspector and general secretary of the International Association of Labor Inspection.

There are, in total, seven presentations ranging from "The jurisprudence of the CJEU in matters of discrimination: new challenges", "Latest jurisprudential criteria of Chamber IV of the Supreme Court", going through "Teleworking and digital disconnection: conciliation", to "Actuality of temporary hiring: special relevance of the contract due to circumstances of production and substitution".

According to Gabaldón, “in Congress we are going to talk about current issues. In the Assembly of own affairs of the profession. We are going to tell what we have done in these four years, in a formal way. We couldn't celebrate it two years ago, when it was playing, due to the pandemic. The collective is very punished, very tired”.

Link to the full interview: 

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