Anyone with an interest in starting a business can apply for this aid from the SEF that anticipates the Social Security contributions for the first two years of activity and provides an initial aid of 1,000 euros.

Potential beneficiaries who have established themselves as self-employed as of January 1, 2023 can also qualify for this aid retroactively.

People with an interest in starting a business can now apply for the new expanded 'Zero Quota', Community aid that will advance to its beneficiaries the quotas of the minimum contribution base to Social Security for the first two years of activity as self-employed workers and will provide an initial aid of 1,000 euros.

This year is the first that anyone who wants to start their own business will be able to apply for this aid to establish themselves as self-employed, after the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Employment, through the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF ), has extended this measure, since previously this aid was directed only to unemployed young people under 30 years of age and long-term unemployed.

The beneficiaries of this subsidy will receive aid from the SEF that will be used to defray the costs of reduced Social Security contributions for the first two years of activity and an initial aid of 1,000 euros to facilitate the first steps of activity of the new self-employed.
As a novelty, potential beneficiaries who have established themselves as self-employed as of January 1, 2023 can benefit from this aid retroactively.


The requirements to access this aid are to be unemployed on the date immediately prior to registration in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Social Security Workers (RETA) and to carry out economic activity in the Region of Murcia.

Self-employed or self-employed workers who, having ceased their activity due to the birth of a child, adoption, guardianship for the purposes of adoption, foster care and guardianship, return to carry out an activity on their own account, registering in RETA, within the two years immediately following the effective date of termination.

The application period will be open until November 15, according to the call (link to the call) of this subsidy to promote self-employment published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM).

If you need more information about this or other aid available for freelancers, do not hesitate to contact contact with our experts.

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