The period to request this subsidy will be open from the 01st to the 25th of April. If you meet the requirements, we will present your application to benefit from this financial aid

The Ministry of Business, Social Economy and Self-Employed of the Region of Murcia, opens a call for aid aimed at self-employed workers attached to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), belonging to the retail trade, who have experienced a drop in net income between the years 2022 and 2021, and that have their tax domicile in the Region of Murcia.

The purpose of this order is to support self-employed workers, with up to two dependent workers, who have been affected by the economic consequences of inflation, derived from the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine.

The aid will consist of a single economic benefit for the amount of six hundred euros (€600.00), which may be requested until next April 25, through the Electronic Office of the Autonomous Community (Code 4105).

The procedure for the granting of subsidies will be that of competitive competition, up to the limit of the established budgetary credit. The applications will be ordered based on the highest percentages of drops in net yields obtained during the 2022 financial year in relation to the 2021 financial year, in accordance with the responsible statements made by the applicants.

Below we provide you with a summary of the subsidy conditions and procedures to follow. You can ask us for more information through the Contact Form

AUTONOMOUS SUBSIDIES RETAIL TRADE inflation – summary BORM 04-01-2023

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