The 6th Atenea Fiscal Forum for Social Graduates of the Region of Murcia started yesterday afternoon, a series of specialized training workshops with the development of practical cases, which has been divided into 5 sessions that will last until next May.

The Forum is led by Cristobal Osete Caravaca, a career civil servant of the Higher Corps of State Tax Inspectors, and will be coordinated by the Fiscal Studies Commission of the College of Social Graduates of the Region of Murcia.

Each of the work sessions addresses topics as varied as the main actions carried out in the field of Tax Management (held yesterday), electronic administration, liquidation and dissolution of companies, verification of "instrumental" companies in the case of professionals and inspections of physical persons of partners of entities and their effects on corporate tax.

The presentations will be given by experts from the Higher Corps of Tax Inspectors, the Higher Corps of Information Systems and Technologies of the State Administration and the Technical Corps of the Treasury.

For six years now, the Forum has been organised and new features have been introduced each year to facilitate its monitoring and development, which is even serving as an example for other schools nationwide.

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