The Ministry of Labor has proposed modifications to social agents such as reducing the maximum duration of training contracts, in the case of internships it will go from two years to one.

The Ministry of Labor has suggested to social agents that companies cannot have more than 15% of temporary workers occupying structural positions, as reported by UGT after the labor reform table was held this Wednesday.

In structural contracts, the UGT points out, the Government's proposal introduces "a limitation that prevents companies from resorting to temporary hiring for more than 15% of the workforce."

Taking measures to limit the high temporary employment rate in Spain, currently at 25%, is one of the Government's priority objectives at this social dialogue table and in view of the reforms committed to Brussels.

The reduction of the working week is debated in Belgium.

The internship contract would go from a maximum of two years to one
Along with this change, and as detailed by UGT, it is proposed that the fixed construction contract in the construction sector could fit into indefinite contracting and changes are proposed in training contracts that would reduce their maximum duration.

In the case of internships, it would go from the current two years to one and in dual training it will be reduced from three to two years.

Training contracts to obtain internships in companies may be arranged for periods of between three months and one year in duration. These will be aimed at people who have completed their studies in the last three years, although in the case of people with disabilities it may be extended to five.

Changes in contracting from ETTs

The new proposal implies a change in the regulation of temporary employment companies (ETT) that allows for indefinite hiring in placement companies of workers who can then be assigned temporarily, either full-time or part-time, to the companies. customers.

This change in articles 6 and 10 of the ETT law would allow "seasonal jobs to be accommodated with better protection of workers through indefinite hiring in the temporary employment companies themselves," explained UGT.

According to this union, the Government has also modified its proposal regarding the employment sustainability mechanism, which will succeed the current Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE) after the pandemic.

Thus, the Ministry of Labor raises the possibility of going to it due to workers' requalification needs and due to the professional transition to new jobs.

Companies may benefit from the new ERTE for economic, technical, operational or production reasons

Companies will also be allowed to use this mechanism for economic, technical, operational or production reasons (ETOP) and, as currently, they will be prohibited from making new hires, overtime or outsourcing the activity in the periods when the workday.

The company that uses this mechanism must maintain employment and undertake training activities.

UGT explains that it has once again demanded that the Government repeal the articles of the Workers' Statute that allow collective dismissals in administrations, something that the Ministry of Labor has refused to do, according to the union.

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