If you acquired your habitual residence before 2013, you should calculate the maximum amount that can be deducted in the declaration for the year 2022
All those taxpayers who acquired their habitual residence before January 1, 2013, enjoy the deduction for the acquisition of housing in the IRPF declaration, so it is interesting when arriving on these dates to calculate the amounts that have been paid during the year for the loans for said purchase (principal plus interest). If it does not reach 9,040 euros (the maximum amount that enjoys tax deduction), it is interesting to make an early repayment before the end of the year until that figure is reached. In this way, you will maximize your deduction and you will be able to reduce your personal income tax by 15% of the total amounts paid.
When calculating the amounts that give the right to deduction, do not forget to include the annual premiums paid for the damage and life insurance that the bank has forced you to hire to grant you the mortgage.
Our professionals are at your service at the Aseryde offices to help you calculate the deductions you may be entitled to on your tax returns.